jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

Semana 13 (por Fabi)

Apple's App Store Launches

As the hype around the iPhone 3G launch tomorrow is kicking into high gear, Apple has released a new version of iTunes, which includes the long-awaited App Store. According to Pinch Media, there are currently 552 applications available in the store. More than 25% of the apps are available for free. Applications from the App Store will run on both the iPhone and iPhone touch after users upgrade to the latest firmware, which will also be released today.
As the new iPhone's hardware doesn't feature as many major technological or design breakthroughs as first iPhone did, a lot of attention has shifted towards the applications that can now run natively on the phone thanks to the firmware upgrade. Currently, according to Pinch Media, the most expensive app in the catalog costs $69.99, but, besides the free apps, the most common price points are $0.99, $4.99, and $9.99.

Some of the most interesting applications for the phone are the location-aware apps like Loopt. While there have always been location-aware applications for other phones with GPS capabilities, the iPhone might just give them the much needed push to finally become mainstream.

July 10, 2008

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Elegí esta noticia porque me encanta el iphone y demuestra el avance tecnologico de los celulares.

Track all Recent Activity on your Gmail Account

Google has recently added a new security feature to Gmail which lets users track their recent sessions and also allows them to sign out remotely.
Technically speaking, this new layer of information will let Gmail users track all recent activity on their Gmail account which indeed is an excellent new security measure.

Previously, Gmail has been the subject of a lot criticism in terms of security because of the Incoming Mail Filter Trojan (Click here to check Gmail Incoming Mail Filters) but now with this new feature it will overthrow every other mail service in terms of good security.


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Elegí esta noticia porque creo qeu nos resultaría útil a todos y me resultó interesante.

Malware: The Difference Between Quarantine and Delete

Just wanted to share a nifty information I found while trying to decide whether I should quarantine or delete malwares from my computer today. Apparently, the idea of having the "quarantine" option when an antivirus detects an infected file is to avoid false positives. If by chance the antivirus software wrongly flags a file as "bad" when the file is actually something you need, like a critical program (for example Explorer.exe in Windows) such that deleting it might cause the computer to stop working, quarantine allows it to simply restore it back.
Anything in quarantine is safely segregated from the rest of your computer, it cannot run from there, so it can do no harm. So the general advice is to put the infected files in quarantine for a while you go about your normal computer activities. If everything continues to run properly after a reasonable period of time (say, about a week or two), then delete the files in quarantine permanently.

26 June 2008
La elegí porqeu siempre me dio curiosidad que aa algnos los ponía en cuaarentena y a otros los eliminaba.

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