jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Semana 7 (por Fabi)

YouTube on Windows Media Center

Windows Media Center for Vista is a good entertainment portal where you can watch videos, browse through photos, listen to music or do whatever you want but it fails to provide users the flexibility to watch videos from popular services like YouTube, DivX Stage 6, DailyMotion etc.

Yougle is a free plugin for Windows Media Center which allows Vista users to enjoy watching videos from their favorite services from right within Windows Media Center. The video services currently supported are YouTube, MSN Soapbox, Google Video, DivX Stage 6, DailyMotion, Shoutcast but using the Yougle Vista SDK users can even add their own sources.

May 25th 2008

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La elegí porque Windows Media y YouTube son muy usados por la sociedad actual.

Download Ad-Aware 2008 for Free

The final version of Lavasoft’s world famous and popular anti-spyware/anti-adware software is now available for download. Ad-Aware has ruled PCs for long by providing strict and long-lasting security against spyware threats and this new version just makes it more powerful and easy to use.

Here is a list of features for Ad-Aware 2008:

  • Improved Threat Detection

  • Enhanced Rootkit removal system

  • Faster Updates & Faster Scans

  • Less Resource Usage for optimal computer performance

  • Easy to Download, Install and Use

  • Lavasoft ThreatWork submission tool

May 23rd 2008

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Porque es bueno e importante que un ad aware haya mejorado, siempre fue un buen programa.

Dell Mini Inspiron

Gizmodo recently got their hands on what they are calling as the Dell Mini Inspiron. This new Dell notebook was revealed by Michael Dell, Founder and CEO of Dell, at All Things Digital and according to him it is something no one has ever seen before.

Although there is no official name for this notebook yet but Michael confirmed that the Dell Mini Inspiron is low-cost notebook meant for third-world countries.

All we know for now is that it has three USB ports, a card reader, VGA out, Ethernet and a classy red-shell body and no information about the OS or price is available yet.

May 29th 2008

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La elegí porque me parece bien que hayan creado una laptop de bajo costo, y me encantaría tenerla.

Encuesta Primer Semana (por Fabi)

estos son los resultados de mi encuesta:


Masculino: 38 personas.

Femenino: 65 personas.


11 a 18: 85 personas.

19 a 30: 3 personas.

5 a 10: 8 personas.

Más de 30: 7 personas.

¿Cuántas mascotas tendrías en tu casa?:

1 mascota: 54 personas.

3 mascotas: 14 personas.

Ninguna: 20 personas.

Ninguna de las anteriores: 8 personas.

Todas las posibles: 6 personas.

Cuando ves un perro en la calle...

Ni lo mirás: 13 personas.

Salís corriendo: 7 personas.

Te acercás a acariciarlo: 33 personas.

Ninguna de las anteriores: 49 personas.

Mascota Favorita:

Ninguna de las anteriores: 12 personas.
Ninguna, odiás los animales: 6 personas.
Un caballo: 10 personas.
Un caballo., ninguna, odiás los animales: 1 persona.
Un gato: 6 personas.
Un gato., un caballo: 1 persona.
Un perro: 58 personas.
Un perro., ninguna de las anteriores: 1 persona.
Un perro., un caballo: 3 personas.
Un perro., un gato: 5 personas.

Pensás que los perros son...:
Lo mejor del mundo: 39 personas.
Los gatos son mejores: 5 personas.
Ninguna de las anteriores: 26 personas.
Un animal más: 28 personas.
Un bicho pulgoso: 5 personas.

Si por vos fuera...:
Estarían prohibidas las mascotas: 5 personas.
Ninguna de las anteriores: 27 personas.
Todo el mundo debería tener dos mascotas, mínimo: 14 personas.
Todo seguiría igual: 57 personas.

Semana 6 (por Fabi)

The URL Is Dead, Long Live Search

Last week I was watching TV and saw something that really caught my eye. It was a commercial for Special K, the breakfast cereal from Kellogg, and rather than end with a plug for the product's web site -- SpecialK.com -- it advised people to search Yahoo! for "Special K" instead. I started to wonder two things: 1. is Yahoo! paying Special K for tack-on advertising? and 2. has searching really become so natural that it is more effective to tell people to search for your site than it is to tell them to visit directly?
To the latter question, the answer appears to be a somewhat surprising "yes." Of the 10 fastest rising search terms on Google last year, 7 were for searches where adding a ".com" would have brought the user to the correct site. These are called "navigational" searches -- searches done when the user already knows exactly where he or she wants to end up -- and they make up a surprising large number of total seaches.

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elegi esta noticia porque tengo que admitir que yo misma lo hago.

Samsung AMOLED Concept Notebook

AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays have come into spotlight because of their great display quality and Samsung has already started implementing this new technology in handful of devices like cellphones and cameras.
Recently the SDI Division at Samsung came up with a AMOLED notebook prototype about which they claim that it produces a contrast ratio about 20 times higher than that of an LCD.
Samsung AMOLED notebooks are expected to hit the market somewhere in 2009.

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elegi esta noticia porque creo que samsung es una buena marca y me interesa saber que saca al mercado.

Mozilla pisa el acelerador con Firefox 3...

Más rápido, más seguro, gráficamente más atractivo y más fácil de usar. La nueva versión del navegador Mozilla, Firefox 3, está en la recta final para su lanzamiento definitivo, previsto para el próximo mes de junio. Tristan Nitot, fundador y presidente de esta organización en Europa, asegura que incorpora más de 15.000 mejoras respecto a Firefox 2.
También se ha incluido una barra de navegación inteligente con la que podemos acceder fácilmente a páginas que hemos visitado, a las que es posible añadir etiquetas para localizarlas después, o añadirlas a Favoritos con tan sólo un clic.

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la elegi porque Firefox es muy grande y esta relacionado con la materia.

Semana 5 (por Fabi)

Microsoft Launches Worldwide Telescope

Microsoft has been trying to compete with Google for long but Google products and services have always won user trust because they are free and simple to use. However in the case of Microsoft’s Worldwide Telescope the scenario may change indefinitely.
Microsoft Worldwide Telescope is an application similar to Google Earth/Sky that will allow users to take virtual trips of galaxies, stars and space or more clearly it can be said that Microsoft Worldwide Telescope is a Web 2.0 visualization software environment that enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope—bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world for a seamless exploration of the universe.
WorldWide Telescope is created with the Microsoft high performance Visual Experience Engine and allows seamless panning and zooming around the night sky, planets, and image environments. All the images are downloaded from Microsoft servers so you don’t need to worry about storing terabytes of high-resolution images on your PC.

May 14, 2008
elegí esta noticia porque me interesa microsoft en general, pero nunca se me habría ocurrido que saquen un telescopio.

Who's Watching Your Videos? YouTube Now Offers Free Demographics

Google announced this morning that YouTube's new Insight video viewer analytics now includes free demographic stats on any video's viewers. YouTube users who have included gender in their user profiles can be anonymously reported and providing your age is a requirement to open an account with YouTube.
It's interesting to know that my latest video about late night escapades was viewed primarily by men ages 30 to 50. In a few minutes I will embed in this post a video of myself eating a live baby chicken and will report back on viewer demographics when they become available. You can view the demographics on your videos by clicking the "insight" button next to each video on your account view.
Geographic location is also reported as part of the Insight package. Statistics can be limited to any time frame and are viewable side by side with metrics on a video's relative popularity and leading sources of off-site inbound traffic. It's a great little metrics package.
May 15, 2008
me parece muy útil si alguien necesita que cierta cantidad de personas mire su video o simplemente por interés común.

Spellr.us Launches: Check Your Site For Spelling Erors

Last month we ran a brief post introducing Spellr.us, a service that monitors websites for spelling errors. Little was known about the site at the time - all we had to go by was a teaser splash page. The site has finally entered a private beta, and it shows a lot of potential. For those looking to try it out for themselves, you can grab one of 150 invites here.
Spellr.us monitors webpages by running site-wide spell checks at regular intervals. Results are presented as snapshots of pages, with errors highlighted in bright boxes (a mouse-over displays suggested corrections). Members can also choose to have errors sent to them in RSS feeds - a feature that will be especially handy for large sites that make frequent posts. Besides the visual snapshots, Spellr.us can list misspelled words according to their frequency across the site. This means that words like TechCrunch or Flickr, which are commonly used but aren’t in the dictionary (yet), can be quickly found and added to a custom dictionary.
May 15, 2008
elegí esta noticia porque me parece muy útil un corrector ortográfico para páginas de Internet.

Primer mes de noticias (por Fabi)

Encuesta - Resultados (por Fabi)

2/5= 50 votos.
3/5= 63 votos.
4/5= 70 votos.
5/5= 76 votos.
6/5= 81 votos.
7/5= 91 votos.
8/5= 97 votos.
10/5= 98 votos.
11/5= 100 votos.
13/5= 101 votos.
15/5= 103 votos.

Muchisimas gracias a todos los que ya entraron y los que no entren a mi encuesta por favor.

Tema Elegido (por Fabi)

el tema que elegí es estadisticas

Semana 4 (por Fabi)

HTC Touch Diamond Features and Specifications

HTC fans have finally got another touch-gadget to drool over and its none other than the HTC Touch Diamond which was recently announced by HTC at the May 6 HTC Event held in London. HTC Touch Diamond brings the prism-like look on the back that we have already seem in Nokia Prism and Sony Xperia.
HTC Touch features the latest HTC Touch 3D interface (codenamed HTC Manila). It is the first ever phone which is fully controllable through touch gestures even though it runs on Windows Mobile which is not considered a very touch-friendly OS.

May 8th 2008

más información aquí

elegí esta noticia porque me interesan los nuevos modelos de celulares.

MySpace Partners with Yahoo, Twitter, eBay on Data "Availability"

In a surprise move just unveiled this morning, a handful of big players led by MySpace and Yahoo! have announced that public profiles, photos, videos and friend networks will now be portable from one site to another. We're immediately wondering why this was a partnership between a handful of big sites instead of a move to truly open to the web in general.
According to a first report on TechCrunch, the initiative will begin with user information from MySpace being made available to Yahoo, Twitter and eBay in the next few weeks. MySpace is reported to have said that they will seek ways for "mom and pop sites" to participate as well in the future.

May 8, 2008

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elegí ésta noticia porque me parece que es un tema de interés común.

El futuro del periodismo pasa por la redacción multimedia...

El martes que paso se lanzo Noticias Latinoamerica (NLA), una nueva iniciativa surgida del fenómeno: Periodismo Ciudadano, y ya son otros medios que se suman a esta movida, así tenemos que Canarias 7 buscaba bloggers o “Las noticias de la gente”, es el nuevo espacio de periodismo ciudadano de Diario Panorama, lo que queda claro es que el mundo de la comunicación con la llegada de Internet tendrá que coexistir con nuevos formatos, entre ellos los blogs y videoblogs, que vinieron para quedarse...

mayo 07, 2008

más información aquí.

elegí ésta noticia porque es algo que tiene relación con lo que hacemos en tic, sacamos noticias de Internet y las posteamos.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

Encuesta (por Fabi)

para acceder a mi encuesta hacé click aquí por favor, hacela para que apruebe la materia.

Semana 3 (por Fabi)

Tristan Nitot,Presidente de Mozilla Europa: "Firefox llegó para salvar la web"...

Internet Explorer baja del 80% del total de uso de navegadores, y esto no ocurría desde el 2000, el culpable de ello, el navegador open source: Firefox, cuyo porcentaje de uso en Europa roza ya el 30%.
Sin duda Firefox es uno de los casos mas emblemáticos del open source, junto con la Wikipedia y Ubuntu.

abril 30, 2008

más información aquí

elegí esta noticia porque yo creo que es cierto que Firefox es un muy buen explorador.

Adobe to Publish Flash File Format Specs

Adobe is today announcing the "Open Screen Project" which will seek to create a consistent runtime environment for rich media across a myriad of devices. In other words, Flash on the web, mobile, desktop, television, and other consumer electronic devices.
The Open Screen Project "will remove barriers for developers and designers as they publish content and applications across desktops and devices, including phones, mobile Internet devices, and set top boxes," said Adobe in a press release.
Since releasing the PDF file format in 1993, it has become an open standard for documents and recently took a major step toward becoming the ISO 32000 Standard. Facing increasing pressure from Microsoft's competing Silverlight technology, it seems Adobe is gunning for Flash to become the standard format for delivering rich media to the web and other devices.

April 30, 2008

más información aquí

elegí esta noticia porque me gusta el Flash y es muy útil que ahora se pueda usar con el Adobe.

5 Tips to Ensure Maximum Online Security

Security is one of the biggest issues that has been bugging Internet users for a long time and unfortunately there is no permanent cure or solution for it.
Recently my Universiry organized the International Symposium on Security Technologies where guest speakers from around the world discussed and shared about the new techniques being developed to keep individuals safe on web and in their real life.
Karen, from the Google Security Team, has likewise shared 5 tips to ensure maximum online security. Let me present a summary of these tips:

1. Do not Reply to Unknown Emails
2. Do not Click on Suspicious Links within Emails
3. Do not Giveaway Sensitive Information on Websites at Once
4. Do not Visit Websites Offering Fantastics Prizes
5. Do not Use Obsolete or Insecure Browser

May 01, 2008

más información aquí

elegí esta noticia porque la seguridad es un tema que nos interesa y nos preocupa a todos.

Cambio de blogs (por Fabi)

cambio dos blogs de contenido para la tarea de las semanas:
http://www.quickonlinetips.com/ por http://viadescape.com/laignoranciamata/
y http://torrentfreak.com/ por http://adictos.us/