jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Semana 6 (por Fabi)

The URL Is Dead, Long Live Search

Last week I was watching TV and saw something that really caught my eye. It was a commercial for Special K, the breakfast cereal from Kellogg, and rather than end with a plug for the product's web site -- SpecialK.com -- it advised people to search Yahoo! for "Special K" instead. I started to wonder two things: 1. is Yahoo! paying Special K for tack-on advertising? and 2. has searching really become so natural that it is more effective to tell people to search for your site than it is to tell them to visit directly?
To the latter question, the answer appears to be a somewhat surprising "yes." Of the 10 fastest rising search terms on Google last year, 7 were for searches where adding a ".com" would have brought the user to the correct site. These are called "navigational" searches -- searches done when the user already knows exactly where he or she wants to end up -- and they make up a surprising large number of total seaches.

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elegi esta noticia porque tengo que admitir que yo misma lo hago.

Samsung AMOLED Concept Notebook

AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays have come into spotlight because of their great display quality and Samsung has already started implementing this new technology in handful of devices like cellphones and cameras.
Recently the SDI Division at Samsung came up with a AMOLED notebook prototype about which they claim that it produces a contrast ratio about 20 times higher than that of an LCD.
Samsung AMOLED notebooks are expected to hit the market somewhere in 2009.

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elegi esta noticia porque creo que samsung es una buena marca y me interesa saber que saca al mercado.

Mozilla pisa el acelerador con Firefox 3...

Más rápido, más seguro, gráficamente más atractivo y más fácil de usar. La nueva versión del navegador Mozilla, Firefox 3, está en la recta final para su lanzamiento definitivo, previsto para el próximo mes de junio. Tristan Nitot, fundador y presidente de esta organización en Europa, asegura que incorpora más de 15.000 mejoras respecto a Firefox 2.
También se ha incluido una barra de navegación inteligente con la que podemos acceder fácilmente a páginas que hemos visitado, a las que es posible añadir etiquetas para localizarlas después, o añadirlas a Favoritos con tan sólo un clic.

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la elegi porque Firefox es muy grande y esta relacionado con la materia.

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