For awhile we've been pushing the idea of Facebook evolving to support business social networking alongside the "social" social networking. But in order for that to work, the site needs to find a way to shed its image as a beacon of college hooliganism -- Facebook is a place to post party pictures, not product pitches. But even so, the appeal of leveraging Facebook's social graph for business is too good to pass up. As we've noted in the past, there are already huge business networks on Facebook -- 30,000 Microsoft employees, 8,500 Googlers, etc. Those relationships are ripe for exploiting for business networking, but there is a prevailing feeling that that's not what Facebook is for.

Clearly, there is a potential for Facebook to be a useful productivity tool -- it is one of the web's best address books, and plays host to some of the richest social data, which could be used for very worthwhile purposes. But it has yet to shed its "fun" image. The top 40 apps on the Facebook platform are all of the "play" variety. And of course, Facebook doesn't want to completely shed its college clothing, it parlayed that core "fun" networking image into a $15 billion valuation.
A couple of days ago Nick O'Neill wondered if productivity apps would ever find a place on Facebook. It is hard to answer that question with a flat out no, because the opportunity is just too great. As Facebook's core audience of early college users grow older and enter the work force, if the company can retain their attention, then certainly Facebook could be a worthy platform for business networking. But evidence points to that being doubtful to happen any time soon.
April 23, 2008
más información aquí
Me interesó esta noticia ya que yo conozco Facebook y jamás se me habría ocurrido pensar que era para negocios.
Chilirec Is Like TiVo for Internet Radio

You start with Chilirec by choosing from a preselected set of a few hundred channels. Two downsides: you can’t load your own channels and you can’t listen to them normally before choosing to record. But once you to start recording, Chilirec will begin loading the songs into its Flash-based player so you can play them back at your convenience (somehow it knows just when songs begin and end, and which ones they are).
Chilirec is a nice tool for when you don’t know exactly which music you want to add to your collection. Other music search sites like Songza and Skreemr are better when you have an artist or song name in mind. And of course, Pandora and Jango are great for when you want to find music related to the stuff you already know you like.
April 24 2008
más información aquí
Ésta noticia me gusta ya que yo escucho bastante música y me interesa bastante el tema.
Add Video Comments to Blogs!
A new trend is storming the blogosphere - video comments! Though Viddler had released a wordpress plugin earlier enabling video comments, it needed a word from Techcrunch to get the ball rolling. Be prepared for more fun with comments.
Check out the Seesmic-wp-plugin that allows you to accept authenticated or anonymous video comments and moderate video comments exactly like text comments! After you enable it, readers can leave a video comments on every post. However, You need to create a Seesmic account to start leaving comments (as they will host the videos). Note that the plugin also integrates directly into the Wordpress admin page, allowing bloggers to create a video and embed it into their post directly.
Apr 24, 2008
Ésta noticia me pareció que tenía relación con la materia ya que nosotros vimos como agregar un video al blog.
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