domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

Semana 29 (por Fabi)

Facebook Destroys Lucrative Birthday Reminder Industry
Facebook just added another extremely useful feature for users, and in doing so took out a slew of applications that do that same thing. You can now get a weekly email telling you, simply, which friends have birthdays coming up.
November 16, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque me interesa mucho Facebook.

Obama to Address the Nation Each Week on YouTube

President elect Obama will bring the President's weekly "fireside chat" into the 21st century by offering it not just on the radio, but in video on YouTube as well. It's as if the new populist President really cares whether the next generation has a connection to what he's doing. That's where the people are - on YouTube, on MySpace and on Facebook.
November 14
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra el avance de la tecnología en los medios de comunicación.

Don't Leave Home Without a Charged Cell Phone

If you're flying out of Los Angeles or Orange County airports next week, make sure your mobile phone is charged and ready to go - especially if you've purchased a new mobile boarding pass from American Airlines. AA, following in the footsteps of Continental and Delta Airlines, last week announced the option to have your boarding pass sent directly to your mobile phone or PDA, in an attempt to save paper and money, and speed things up for travelers.
November 15, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra el avance de la tecnología.

Semana 28 (por Fabi)

Gmail brings Voice and Video Chat
The team behind Gmail have done it again. Just a few days ago, they introduced the ability to send emails as text messages on mobile devices. Though the service is still available to select users, it would soon be coming to the general public.
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra el avance de la tecnología, y me parece que va a ser muy útil.

iPhone OS 2.2 Update Coming on November 21?
The rumors are high in the air today that Apple plans to release the iPhone OS 2.2 update on Friday, November 21, 2008. The beta for the update has been around in two flavors for some time now, and unlike the previous update, there are a number of new features coming our ways.
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra lo rápido que avanza la tecnología.

Antivirus Gratis y con licencia Genuina
Cuando me inicie en esto de la Internet, me fue muy complicado encontrar un antivirus que fuera, bueno, gratis y estable, además de tener una licencia que no fuera de prueba, es por eso que publico esta excelente oportunidad de que puedan obtener un excelente Antivirus Gratis y con una licencia genuina y avalada por la empresa creadora, se trata de Trend Micro Internet Security 2008 (PC- Cillin) que es un software antivirus disponible para Windows XP y Vista.
Elegí esta noticia porque me parece muy práctico que haya antivirus gratis.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


Private Sub c_Click()
visor.Text = ""
punto.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cero_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cinco_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "5"
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cuatro_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "4"
End Sub

Private Sub div_Click()
punto.Enabled = True
If visor.Text = "0" Then
visor.Text = "Error: división por cero"
aux.Caption = visor.Text
visor.Text = ""
aux1.Caption = "/"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub dos_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "2"
End Sub

Private Sub igual_Click()
If aux1.Caption = "+" Then
visor.Text = Val(aux.Caption) + Val(visor.Text)
aux1.Caption = ""
End If
If aux1.Caption = "-" Then
visor.Text = Val(aux.Caption) - Val(visor.Text)
End If
If aux1.Caption = "x" Then
visor.Text = Val(aux.Caption) * Val(visor.Text)
End If
If aux1.Caption = "%" Then
visor.Text = 100 * Val(aux.Caption) / Val(visor.Text)
End If
If aux1.Caption = "/" And visor.Text = "0" Then
visor.Text = "Error: división por cero"
If aux1.Caption = "/" Then
visor.Text = Val(aux.Caption) / Val(visor.Text)
End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub mas_Click()
aux.Caption = visor.Text
visor.Text = ""
aux1.Caption = "+"
punto.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub maso_Click()
visor.Text = Val(visor.Text) * -1
End Sub

Private Sub menos_Click()
aux.Caption = visor.Text
visor.Text = ""
aux1.Caption = "-"
punto.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub nueve_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "9"
End Sub

Private Sub ocho_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "8"
End Sub

Private Sub por_Click()
aux.Caption = visor.Text
visor.Text = ""
aux1.Caption = "x"
punto.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub porcentaje_Click()
aux.Caption = visor.Text
visor.Text = ""
aux1.Caption = "%"
punto.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub punto_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "."
punto.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub raiz_Click()
If visor.Text = "0" Then
visor.Text = "Error: raíz cudrada de cero"
visor.Text = Sqr(visor.Text)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub seis_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "6"
End Sub

Private Sub siete_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "7"
End Sub

Private Sub tres_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "3"
End Sub

Private Sub uno_Click()
visor.Text = visor.Text + "1"
End Sub

Private Sub unodivx_Click()
visor.Text = 1 / Val(visor.Text)
End Sub

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008


Private Sub cinco_Click()

If contra.Text = "123" Then
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 480) / 840) ^ 2)

ascen.Top = 480
numero.Caption = "5"
nrito(0) = "5"
nrito(1) = "5"
nrito(2) = "5"
nrito(3) = "5"
nrito(5) = "5"
nrito(6) = "5"
nrito(7) = "5"
ccinco(0).Caption = Val(ccinco(0).Caption) + 1
contra.Text = ""
End If
contra.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cincoo_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 480) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 480
numero.Caption = "5"
nrito(0) = "5"
nrito(1) = "5"
nrito(2) = "5"
nrito(3) = "5"
nrito(5) = "5"
nrito(6) = "5"
nrito(7) = "5"
ccinco(0).Caption = Val(ccinco(0).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub cuatro_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 1320) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 1320
nrito(0) = "4"
numero.Caption = "4"
nrito(1) = "4"
nrito(2) = "4"
nrito(3) = "4"
nrito(5) = "4"
nrito(6) = "4"
nrito(7) = "4"
ccuatro(8).Caption = Val(ccuatro(8).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub cuatroo_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 1320) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 1320
nrito(0) = "4"
numero.Caption = "4"
nrito(1) = "4"
nrito(2) = "4"
nrito(3) = "4"
nrito(5) = "4"
nrito(6) = "4"
nrito(7) = "4"
ccuatro(8).Caption = Val(ccuatro(8).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub dos_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 3000) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 3000
numero.Caption = "2"
nrito(0) = "2"
nrito(1) = "2"
nrito(2) = "2"
nrito(3) = "2"
nrito(5) = "2"
nrito(6) = "2"
nrito(7) = "2"
cdos(6).Caption = Val(cdos(6).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub doss_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 3000) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 3000
numero.Caption = "2"
nrito(0) = "2"
nrito(1) = "2"
nrito(2) = "2"
nrito(3) = "2"
nrito(5) = "2"
nrito(6) = "2"
nrito(7) = "2"
cdos(6).Caption = Val(cdos(6).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub luz_Click()
If ascen.FillColor = vbBlack Then
ascen.FillColor = vbWhite
ascen.FillColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

Private Sub pb_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 4680) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 4680
nrito(0) = "PB"
nrito(1) = "PB"
nrito(2) = "PB"
nrito(3) = "PB"
nrito(5) = "PB"
nrito(6) = "PB"
nrito(7) = "PB"
numero.Caption = "PB"
cpb(4).Caption = Val(cpb(4).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub pbb_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 4680) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 4680
nrito(0) = "PB"
nrito(1) = "PB"
nrito(2) = "PB"
nrito(3) = "PB"
nrito(5) = "PB"
nrito(6) = "PB"
nrito(7) = "PB"
numero.Caption = "PB"
cpb(4).Caption = Val(cpb(4).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub sss_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 5520) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 5520
nrito(0) = "SS"
nrito(1) = "SS"
nrito(2) = "SS"
nrito(3) = "SS"
nrito(5) = "SS"
nrito(6) = "SS"
nrito(7) = "SS"
numero.Caption = "SS"
css(3).Caption = Val(css(3).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub stop_Click()
If cuatro.Enabled = True Then
cinco.Enabled = False
cuatro.Enabled = False
tres.Enabled = False
dos.Enabled = False
uno.Enabled = False
pb.Enabled = False
subsuelo.Enabled = False
cincoo(0).Enabled = False
cuatroo(9).Enabled = False
tress(8).Enabled = False
doss(7).Enabled = False
unoo(6).Enabled = False
pbb(5).Enabled = False
sss(4).Enabled = False
luz.Enabled = False
cinco.Enabled = True
cuatro.Enabled = True
tres.Enabled = True
dos.Enabled = True
uno.Enabled = True
pb.Enabled = True
subsuelo.Enabled = True
cincoo(0).Enabled = True
cuatroo(9).Enabled = True
tress(8).Enabled = True
doss(7).Enabled = True
unoo(6).Enabled = True
pbb(5).Enabled = True
sss(4).Enabled = True
luz.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub subsuelo_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 5520) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 5520
nrito(0) = "SS"
nrito(1) = "SS"
nrito(2) = "SS"
nrito(3) = "SS"
nrito(5) = "SS"
nrito(6) = "SS"
nrito(7) = "SS"
numero.Caption = "SS"
css(3).Caption = Val(css(3).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

End Sub

Private Sub tres_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 2160) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 2160
numero.Caption = "3"
nrito(0) = "3"
nrito(1) = "3"
nrito(2) = "3"
nrito(3) = "3"
nrito(5) = "3"
nrito(6) = "3"
nrito(7) = "3"
ctres(7).Caption = Val(ctres(7).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub tress_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 2160) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 2160
numero.Caption = "3"
nrito(0) = "3"
nrito(1) = "3"
nrito(2) = "3"
nrito(3) = "3"
nrito(5) = "3"
nrito(6) = "3"
nrito(7) = "3"
ctres(7).Caption = Val(ctres(7).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub uno_Click()
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 3840) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 3840
nrito(0) = "1"
nrito(1) = "1"
nrito(2) = "1"
nrito(3) = "1"
nrito(5) = "1" ^ 2

nrito(6) = "1"
nrito(7) = "1"
numero.Caption = "1"
cuno(5).Caption = Val(cuno(5).Caption) + 1

End Sub

Private Sub unoo_Click(Index As Integer)
cuenta.Caption = Val(cuenta.Caption) + Sqr(((Val(ascen.Top) - 3840) / 840) ^ 2)
ascen.Top = 3840
nrito(0) = "1"
nrito(1) = "1"
nrito(2) = "1"
nrito(3) = "1"
nrito(5) = "1"
nrito(6) = "1"
nrito(7) = "1"
numero.Caption = "1"
cuno(5).Caption = Val(cuno(5).Caption) + 1

End Sub

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008

Semana 27 (por Fabi)

AT&T Hotspots Now Free for iPhone Owners

That's right folks! After months of speculation and rumors, iPhone owners can now use the Wi-Fi available at their local AT&T Hotspot at no additional charge. We thought it was ridiculous that this didn't come pre-packaged with the iPhone considering that most iPhone owners are using the web more than their minutes. If you haven't received this golden text message on your iPhone yet, we've got the scoop on how you can get access to free AT&T Wi-Fi on your iPhone.
November 1, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra el avance de la tecnología.

Memiary Reminds You What You’re Doing With Your Life

For all the complexity of the human mind, when it comes down to remembering what we’ve been up to for the last few weeks our memories are pretty pitiful - you might remember a few notable events, but your day-to-day activities barely make a dent. And while some of us are not prone to such bouts of mental inadequacy, the vast majority of the population probably can’t remember what they were up to last weekend, much less a month ago.
October 31, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque es muy útil para no olvidar cosas.

Datz Music Lounge: Gimmick or the Future of Digital Music?

If you live in the U.K. and you have 100 British pounds to spare, you can now subscribe to the Datz Music Lounge, where those 100 pounds can buy you unlimited access to DRM-free MP3s for one year. According to Music Week, Datz features about 2 million tracks from EMI, Warner, Beggars Group, and The Orchard. While the service is encumbered by technical problems like having to use a USB dongle, as well as a relatively limited selection of songs, we can't help but wonder whether this all-you-can-eat plan for DRM-free MP3s points towards the future of the digital music business.
October 31, 2008
para más info
elegí esta noticia porque así podés elegir toda la música que quieras.

Semana 26 (por Fabi)

Get Auto Reply Feature in Gmail

Gmail Labs has got another new feature named as Canned Responses. Using Canned Responses you can save any message/reply you are writing and can use it later in the future with just one click. So, now you don’t have to write same response again and again and Canned Responses feature will do this for you on the fly.
You can activate Canned Responses by going in to Labs from your Gmail settings. After activating this feature whenever you are composing a message, you can save that message by clicking on Canned responses link right below the Subject field, for your future use.
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Elegí esta noticia porque así es más cómodo y rápido escribir los emails.

Empieza a traer coletazos la crisis mundial en la web 2.0, el primero Yahoo!

Esta noticia que quizás pueda pasar inadvertida es mas importante de lo que se puede decifrar a primeras, se trata del Despido masivo de personal de Yahoo a partir del 10 de diciembre de 2008, esto marcaría el comienzo de la ola de golpetazos económicos por culpa de la crisis económica en el mundo y en especial en los Estados Unidos, ya sabemos bien que en las economías y en los mercados a los primeros que afecta una crisis de este tipo es a los que están mas débiles y este es el caso de Yahoo, que dejaría a 3.500 empleados sin trabajo, Los recortes del personal serían de un 50% en el área de Finanzas, 10% en Ingeniería y de 25% en Generales y Administrativos.
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Elegí esta noticia porque la crisis económica mundial nos afecta a todos.

Realiza Busquedas en forma de tridimensional con searchcube

Una forma diferente de realizar búsquedas con el motor de Google es lo que nos permite hacer SearchCube que es un genial buscador que arroja los resultados en forma tridimensional, se basa en enlaces, imagenes y vídeos para arrojarte los resultados.
No es precisamente un buscador que sea muy rápido, de hecho es bastante lento para arrojar los resultados, pero para experimentar esta bastante interesante, para poder usarlo debemos tener Javascript activado y la versión 9 de Flash Player como mínimo.
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra el avance de la tecnología.

Semana 25 (por Fabi)

Linus Torvalds el cerebro de Linux ahora tiene blog!

Linus Torvalds el creador del Kernel de Linux, también a caído envuelto en el mundo de los blogs, ya que se a creado uno, pero no como se pueda pensar relativo a Linux o a la tecnología, si no exclusivamente a su vida personal y sus pensamientos, aficiones, etc.
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Elegí esta noticia porque es interesante ver su blog personal.

Mark Zuckerberg: "Facebook es neutral en la lucha entre Obama y McCain"...

20Minutos publico una reciente entrevista a Mark Zuckerberg (Fundador de Facebook, 24 años) tras su reciente visita a España, compañía de Internet que ha superado los 100 millones de usuarios activos (1,4 millones en España, según la compañía, país donde no abrirá oficina) en tan sólo cuatro años de existencia, y que le permitió crecer exponencialmente cuando libero su API para desarrollo de aplicaciones a terceros, convirtiéndose así, sin duda es todo un laboratorio de aplicaciones...
OCTUBRE 14, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque me interesan las elecciones de EEUU

Creador de YouTube adelanta nuevas alianzas con cadenas televisivas...

Siguen aumentando las visitas a los blogs en detrimento de los medios de comunicación, y la industria televisiva no quiere que le pase igual que a la industria discográfica, al no abrazar a la tecnología en su debido momento, ahora incluso se crean series integras para la web o los celulares, ya el romance entre Internet y la televisión se hizo mas fuerte con el arribo y éxito de Youtube, este 14 y miércoles 15 que pasaron se llevo a cabo en el MALBA el primer We Media en Buenos Aires y me quedo una frase grabada de dicho evento, Adrián Herzkovich, General Manager de FOX Latin American Channels: “Hoy les tenemos más miedo a YouTube y a Google que a nuestros canales competidores directos como Sony y Discovery”...
OCTUBRE 16, 2008
para más info
Elegí esta noticia porque muestra que Internet es cada vez más el medio de comunicación más importante,

Semana 24 (por Fabi)

David Lee King: «Yo prefiero consultar Wikipedia a la Enciclopedia Británica»...

Interesante entrevista a David Lee King, Director de los Servicios Digitales de la Biblioteca Pública de Topeka y el condado de Shawnee (Kansas), publicada en, donde nos escribe la situación actual del libro como soporte del conocimiento y sobre algunas costumbres inherentes a los nativos digitales, que ven común algunas practicas diarias en su mundo digital...
OCTUBRE 08, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque me resulta muy útil para saber dónde buscar información.

Temen que los buscadores en internet dañen la relación diario-lector...

Por estos días en Madrid se lleva a cabo la 64ª Asamblea General de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP), que se inauguro con el tema de la defensa a la libertad de prensa como premisa de democracia, “Ninguna sociedad puede ser libre sin una prensa libre”, aseguraba Earl Maucker, director del Sun-Sentinel de Florida, pero el Internet ha provocado cambios inevitables en el monopolio de la prensa, que los obliga a experimentar para poder sobrevivir, ya que de lo contrario los medios tradicionales estarán cabando su propia tumba, según Philip Meyer: "La cobertura local y la participación en la producción de noticias, son las alternativas para la supervivencia de los periódicos", otro de los puntos en contra de la prensa, es que la Internet se ha convertido en una gran memoria virtual mundial y que la información es extraída cuando se la requiere gracias a Google, de tal forma que mientras los blogs mantienen sus historicos y sus links permanente así se abandonen, la prensa debe hacer todo lo posible por mantener sus archivos para figurar en Google y que sus posteriores cambios de diseño no afecten sus links permanentes, si quieren competir de igual a igual con los blogs en este kiosko llamado Internet, donde la audiencia es quien decide en quien confia más...
OCTUBRE 07, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra la magnitud que tiene Internet en la actualidad.

Llamar a cualquier parte del mundo Gratis!

Siempre han existido alternativas para realizar llamadas por Internet a cualquier parte del mundo, pero siempre las encontramos de pago, esta vez no es la excepción aunque también tienen las siguientes paginas, la alternativa de llamar gratis por Internet a cualquier parte del mundo, pero solo por unos cuantos minutos y veces.
Es cierto que estas paginas se demoran en cargar y quizás existan horas del día que sea casi imposible entrar, pero funcionan y eso es lo mas importante, no son paginas que no cumplan lo que prometen, la mejor hora para entrar es entre las 1 y 4 de la mañana de Chile!
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Elegí esta noticia porque muestra que cada vez la tecnología es más accesible.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

Semana 23 (por Fabi)

Windows 7 Alpha Coming on October 27
Microsoft has announced that the attendees of its Professional Developers Conference in LA this month would be among the first to get a feel of Windows 7. We have already previewed some of the features of Windows 7 here on Sizlopedia. It will be interesting to see which of those features actually make this release.
The participants of the PDC would each get a 160 GB hard drive pre-loaded with all the developer documentation needed for Windows 7, along with a possible “alpha build” of the OS pre-installed. We already know that huge enhancements would be made to the desktop and the native applications, while there will also be new APIs to play around with.
October 2, 2008
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Elegí esta noticia porque es muy interesante el nuevo Windows.

Nokia ‘Tube’ Officially Announced
Nokia is at its extent to compete with market and it confirms with the official announcement of their new touchscreen handset named as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic or Tube, we have already shared some of its leaked pictures along with the unofficial specifications here at Sizlopdia. With the announcement of this piece, specification which we shared previously confirmed officially with no change. Here are its official features unveiled by Nokia itself.
October 3, 2008
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elegí esta noticia porque es muy interesante la competencia en los modelos de celulares

Google's Latest Attempt to Monetize YouTube: Post-Roll Ads
As Google has acknowledged before, monetizing YouTube has been a major challenge for the Internet giant, even though it is one of the web's most visited sites. Now, Google is trying out post-roll ads on the popular online video service. Currently, as NewTeeVee notes, these post-roll ads only appear if you do not click on the overlay ads while a video is playing. Google has tested post-roll ads before, but in these earlier versions, users had to initiate the ads themselves, while these new ads will play automatically.
For now, these new ads only appear on a small number of videos uploaded by YouTube's official partners. In July, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google was experimenting with both post- and pre-roll ads, though thankfully, it looks like the company has decided against using pre-roll ads for now.
It's important to note that Google has been hesitant to roll out ads for all of its YouTube inventory because of the possible copyright issues involved. However, given that cost of running a bandwidth-hungry service like YouTube and the number of daily visitors, it only makes sense for Google to keep looking for new strategies to make at least some money off the service.
October 2, 2008
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La elegí porque va a estar muy bueno q no haya tanta propaganda en Youtube.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

Semana 22 (por Fabi)

The T-Mobile G1: Can You Say Paradigm Shift?

The G1 event has come and gone and it looks like we’re seeing an epic paradigm shift in the mobile space. iPhone started the ball rolling and Android is about the finish the job. The change? Phones are now officially computers and the expectation for most users is that they behave in the same way a powerful laptop or desktop PC would perform, albeit in a considerably more compact package.
I was struck by something during the G1 presentation today and it took me a quite a while to figure out what it was. Back in 1997-98 while I was at Carnegie Mellon we were at a crossroads in IT. The web was taking off in a general way and email was king for college students. The school was full of computer clusters - some Mac, some PC, and some greenscreen Unix dumb terminals in the library running X Windows. While the Macs and PCs were easy to understand and run, you could just tell that the Unix machines were like an iceberg - 98% of the power is under water, unseen by the average user. Putting the G1 through its paces showed a intense attention to detail on the part of Google and a tacit promise from the phone that it was far more powerful than originally described. This is G1’s blessing and curse.

September 23, 2008

Elegí esta noticia porque me encantaría tener un celular así.

Apple ‘Brick’ Rumors

Another recipe of hot new rumors over the Internet suggests that a new Macbook update codenamed the ‘Brick’ might be in works and will officially be unveiled by Apple in mid-October this year.
While some speculate it to be the new Apple Macbook Touch, other have theories that the ‘Brick’ might be a software or even the highly rumored Apple iTablet. However there is no source to confirm either of these theories yet.


La elegí porque muestra el avance de la tecnología.

Windows Live Wave 3 Applications and Screenshots

I bet most of the Windows Live fans would have got enough time over the weekend to play with the new Windows Live Wave 3 products and software.
Windows Live Wave 3 Installer, which rolled out this Thursday, brings a whole new pack of applications and software for the Windows users coupled with a new elegant and eye-candy design.


La elegí porque muestra el avance de la tecnología.

Semana 21 (por Fabi)

No te gusta la nueva version de Facebook?

Hace un tiempo que Facebook renovó su cara y es cierto que a muchos les agrado bastante, pero al parecer son mas a los que les disgusto, ya que han salido muchos posts en blogs e inclusive grupos masivos en el mismo Facebook rechazando la nueva versión, que es mucho mas complicada a primera vista, ya que todas las opciones están separadas, no como antes que teníamos todo en la misma ventana, aunque parezca increíble hay un descontento tan grande que existe un grupo de mas de 2 millones de usuarios y otro en Español de mas de 180 mil usuarios descontentos que gritan, No me gusta el nuevo Facebook!!


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La elegí porque me siento identificada. A mi tampoco me gusta el nuevo Facebook.

Windows 7 Beta para Octubre!

El debut de Windows 7 para todo el publico se espera para el 3 de junio del 2009, demasiado pronto creo yo, no quiero pensar que a Microsoft le pase una nueva mala jugada con esto de apresurar la salida de los sistemas operativos, ya que los únicos que pierden con todo esto son los usuarios.


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La elegí porque es algo que nos importa a todos, y demuestra el avance de la tecnología.

How turn computer monitor into mirror?

Ya sabemos que un computador tiene miles de funciones que nos hacen cada día mas fácil las cosas, pero algunos personajes buscan que les resuelva practicamente todos los problemas e incluso hasta los mas ridículos, el mejor ejemplo es esta pregunta que encontré en Yahoo Answers, es para el bronce!!


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La elegí porque muestra una de las utilidades de un monitor, y porque me causó mucha gracia.

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

Semana 20 (por Fabi)

It's Time for a New Terms of Service Regime
Yesterday's flare-up about the Terms of Service for Google's new browser Chrome, followed by the company's rapid backtracking on the demands it was making of users, left many people wondering about Google ToS in general.
Is it ok for service providers to require that they be exempt from the copyright norm of no re-use without explicit permission? We don't think it is.
September 4, 2008
Elegí esta noticia porque demuestra que hoy en día en Internet se puede hacer de todo, incluso cosas malas, como lo que hacían los creadores de Google.

Democratic Convention Web Site Gets 3.2 Million Visits
Just as the Republican National Convention is about to wrap up tonight, the Democratic National Convention Committee released some interesting numbers about its web presence during the Democratic convention last week. During the convention week, the official Web site received more than 3.2 million visits. Also, visitors to the DNC site watched a total of more than 360,000 hours of online video from the convention.
September 4, 2008
Elegí esta noticia porque me parece que representa que Internet es un medio muy importante, no solo para trabajar o jugar. Incluso creo que Internet podría ser el medio más importante y obviamente, el más util y rápido.

Create and Print Free Business Cards

Keshav, the Fabworker, shares an excellent resource to create and print free business cards.
Atomic Business Card is basically a very simple Business card generator. It allows you to upload a logo and put some basic information on the card such as your name, title, address, phone number, email etc.


Elegí esta noticia porque me encantó la idea de hacer tarjetas gratis en línea.

Mi televisor (por Fabi)

Private Sub catv_Click()
tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
End Sub

Private Sub cero_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cinco_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "5"
End Sub

Private Sub cuatro_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "4"
End Sub

Private Sub dos_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "2"
End Sub

Private Sub enter_Click()
nrocanal.Caption = aux.Caption
aux.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub masbrillo_Click()
pantalla.Top = pantalla.Top + 100
End Sub

Private Sub mascanal_Click()
If nrocanal.Caption < caption =" nrocanal.Caption" caption =" 0" left =" pantalla.Left" top =" pantalla.Top"> 0 Then
nrocanal.Caption = nrocanal.Caption - 1
nrocanal.Caption = 140
End If
End Sub

Private Sub menosvolumen_Click()
pantalla.Left = pantalla.Left - 100
End Sub

Private Sub nueve_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "9"
End Sub

Private Sub ocho_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "8"
End Sub

Private Sub off_Click()
nrocanal.Caption = ""
tvcatv.Caption = ""
onoff.BackColor = vbBlack
uno.Enabled = False
dos.Enabled = False
tres.Enabled = False
cuatro.Enabled = False
cinco.Enabled = False
seis.Enabled = False
siete.Enabled = False
ocho.Enabled = False
nueve.Enabled = False
cero.Enabled = False
enter.Enabled = False
mascanal.Enabled = False
menoscanal.Enabled = False
masbrillo.Enabled = False
menosbrillo.Enabled = False
menosvolumen.Enabled = False
masvolumen.Enabled = False
tv.Enabled = False
catv.Enabled = False
aux.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub on_Click()
nrocanal.Caption = "0"
tvcatv.Caption = "CATV"
onoff.BackColor = vbRed
uno.Enabled = True
dos.Enabled = True
tres.Enabled = True
cuatro.Enabled = True
cinco.Enabled = True
seis.Enabled = True
siete.Enabled = True
ocho.Enabled = True
nueve.Enabled = True
cero.Enabled = True
enter.Enabled = True
mascanal.Enabled = True
menoscanal.Enabled = True
masbrillo.Enabled = True
menosbrillo.Enabled = True
menosvolumen.Enabled = True
masvolumen.Enabled = True
tv.Enabled = True
catv.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub seis_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "6"
End Sub

Private Sub siete_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "7"
End Sub

Private Sub tres_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "3"
End Sub

Private Sub tv_Click()
tvcatv.Caption = "TV"
End Sub

Private Sub uno_Click()
aux.Caption = aux.Caption + "1"
End Sub

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Semana 19 (por Fabi)

Photosynth: View and Create 3D Panoramas

Recently Microsoft released the final version of its long-in-beta web app called Photosynth.
Photosynth gives users the ability to view and create 3D Panoramas and virtual tours. Basically it takes a collection of regular photographs and reconstructs the scene or object in a 3-D environment.
Photosynth is potent mixture of two independent breakthroughs: the ability to reconstruct the scene or object from a bunch of flat photographs, and the technology to bring that experience to virtually anyone over the Internet.
The Photosynth viewer allows user to zoom in/out, view in 3D/2D and circle through next and previous frames. Below you can see some screenshots of 3D panoramas of Taj Mahal, Smith Tower and the Sphinx.


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La elegí porque me pareció muy original que haya fotos en 3D.

"Facebook Helped Me Win," Claims Politician

In Tampa, Florida, one of the cities that comprises the megalopolis known as the Tampa Bay area, home to Busch Gardens, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and only minutes from beautiful beaches on the Gulf Coast of Florida (oh, and this author's stomping grounds, too), a local politician is giving credit to Facebook for his recent win in the primaries for the local County Commission.
On Facebook, the crowd is still very young, with an average age of 22.96 as of this February. Typically, the youth vote, although coveted, could not be counted on thanks to low turnout of young voters at the polls. However, this small time local election may prove to be one of the first examples of the huge impact Gen Y can have on the political process.
Now that many members of Gen Y are of voting age, their sheer numbers can no longer be ignored by politicians. The biggest generation since the baby boomers, Gen Y has been poorly characterized by some as lazy, unfocused, and self-centered - a generation that would just as soon stay home with mom and dad than go out and climb the corporate ladder. While it may be true that Gen Y has the good financial sense to maximize their time in rent-free accommodations, they are certainly proving themselves the opposite of lazy when it comes to involvement, be it social involvement, community involvement, or political involvement. Considering this recent "Facebook-powered" win, it could be that this generation is all talk and all action, too.
According to Rearden Killion Communications, the St. Petersburg advertising firm that handled the campaign of Kevin Beckner in the District Six democratic primary for the Hillsborough County Commission, the Facebook effort comprised of content, video production, and media buying valued at around $7000. There was also a Facebook app which let supporters put a campaign button on their own pages and provided a link to Beckner's page. The overall effort increased Beckner's Facebook group membership by 50 percent.

August 28, 2008

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La elegí porque yo uso Facebook y se que influye mucho porque un montón de gente lo usa, pero nunca imagine que la política se manejara con él.

YouTube To Squeeze More Money Out of Homepage

You’ll notice very few ad units while surfing YouTube, and none at all while watching videos contributed by ordinary folk like you or me. The reason? Google fears the legal repercussions of monetizing user generated content that may infringe on somebody else’s copyright.
But YouTube’s homepage is different since it merely displays thumbnails that may lead to infringing content. And it has capitalized on that page by selling a video ad unit in the upper right-hand corner for $175,000 per day (plus a commitment to buy $50,000 more in advertising elsewhere on YouTube or Google).

August 28, 2008

para más info

La elegí porque YouTube es una empresa muy importante en Internet, y esta noticia me resultó muy interesante.

Mis vacaciones, el mapa (por Fabi)

Ver mapa más grande

Mis vacaciones (por Fabi)

Lunes 28 de Julio: Fui al Abasto Shopping con mi hermana Daniela y mi prima Adi de Israel.

Martes 29 de Julio: Fui a la casa de Pau, donde estudiamos para Ciencias Sociales con Lau y Anita.

Miércoles 30 de Julio: Me quedé en mi casa, ordenando mi habitación.

Jueves 31 de Julio: Fui al Abasto Shopping con Lau, Dani B., Pau, Maga, Melu, Anita, Dani H., Nicolás, Brian, Ariel P., y Martín.

Viernes 1 de Agosto: Vinieron a mi casa Maga, Lau y Dani B. Después me fui a dormir a lo de Dani B.

Lunes 4 de Agosto: Fui a la casa de Pau con Lau y Bri a estudiar Ciencias Sociales.

Martes 5 de Agosto: Fui a Winter con Lau, Dani, Anita, Martín, Ariel P. y Nicolás.

Miércoles 6 de Agosto: Me quedé en mi casa leyendo “los vecinos mueren en las novelas” para la clase de Lengua.

Jueves 7 de Agosto: Fui al Abasto Shopping con mi mamá y mi hermana.

Viernes 8 de Agosto: Fui a la casa de Bri con Pau, Lau y Anita a terminar el trabajo de Ciencias Sociales.

Semana 18 (por Fabi)

Copy and Paste for iPhone
We iPhone users know exactly how difficult it is for us to survive without having copy and paste functionality. Apple does have this under consideration but according to them its not a priority.
Perhaps with the new open-source community project called OpenClip, it will be possible for users to use copy and paste functionality among some iPhone apps without begging Apple to add this feature to the firmware.
This is how it works, when a developer adds the OpenClip framework to an iPhone app, that app gains copy and paste functionality. So basically it all comes down to how willing and supportive the iPhone app developers are. GeekBrief has also made a video demo of the copy/paste functionality being used within some native iPhone apps.


Lo elegí porque el iPhone llega al país y me interesa lo que puede hacer.

Palm Treo Pro is now Official

As of today, the Palm Treo Pro is now official.
Rumors hit the Internet two weeks ago when leaked pictures of the Palm Treo Pro started surfacing around forums and though not an iPhone-Killer, this new phone is definitely a big match for all the PocketPC devices currently available in the market.

The Palm Treo Pro sports a 2.5 inches TFT touchscreen with a resolution of 320 x 320 pixels. It is powered by Windows Mobile 6.1 and has all features of a standard phone such as Bluetooth, Infrared port, USB, WiFi, MicroSD slot etc and most surprisingly a built-in GPS. A 2 Megapixel camera is also there to add more to the disappointment.


Lo elegí porque al tener Windows es más fácil de manejar adjuntos, algo que no es tan cómodo en el BlackBerry y en el iPhone.

Ebay Survey Says Americans Buy Crap They Don’t Want

This inbox item caught my eye. Ebay commissioned a survey on behalf of their fast growing Kijiji product (it competes with and engages in litigation with Craigslist).
The survey revealed surprising (I use the term sarcastically) facts such as:
.90% of Americans have at least one unused item lying around the house
.Unused electronics items can be found in more than 2/3 of households (70%)
.38% of men are holding onto old electronics, compared to 35% of women
Lo elegí porque llama la atención que tengan en las casas tantos aparatos sin usar.

Semana 17 (por Fabi)

Bloglines nuevo diseño y con publicidad

Bloglines a decidido renovar su diseño y agregar publicidad a su pagina principal, cosa que aunque a muchos les moleste me parece que es el mejor camino para que sea mucho mas rentable, así con este impulso de recursos que generara la publicidad, las mejoras serán mucho mas grandes, de eso estoy seguro y se pondrá acorde con los requerimientos de la web 2.0.

para ver más

La elegí porque es increíble que haya publicidad en todas partes.

Pageonce's New iPhone App: Now 100% Mobile and Self-Destructs When Stolen

When Pageonce unveiled their first version of their iOnce iPhone app, it became an instant success. Within 10 days it was ranked in the top three applications in the Productivity category, and overall it was ranked in the top 50 out of all the free iPhone applications. What made this app so appealing? Simple: it's a one-stop-shop for managing all of your online accounts - finance, utilities, travel, shopping, email, and social networks. Now, the latest version of the app, iOnce 2.0, has arrived and it's even better. The new app offers improved security features that users have been clamoring for as well as the ability to add accounts directly from the app itself.
Lost Your iPhone? Nuke Your Personal Data
With the new version of iOnce, the app has received a security enhancement called the "mobile destruct feature." With this, you can instantly delete all your account information off your iPhone or iPod Touch if your device is ever lost or stolen. Also, you are now able to register you device by serial number which allows that device - and that device alone - the ability to access your Pageonce account data.

August 13, 2008

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La elegí porque me parece muy útil y me encantó, personalmente me encantaría tener este programa cuando trabaje, porque ahora no me sería demasiado útil.

Keep It Simple: PhrazIt Offers 30 Character Long Reviews

The web is teeming with user reviews on everything from movies to VC firms. But with so many detailed opinion pieces available, getting to the bottom line can be difficult.
Today sees the launch of PhrazIt, a site looking to cut through the noise by offering users a tag cloud related to various topics on the web. Rather than employing a traditional star or numeric system to rate a topic, PhrazIt uses brief words or phrases no more than 30 characters long.

August 14, 2008

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La elegí porque así se ahorra mucho más tiempo en leer.